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Research Question: •How does sex influence leadership in media as presented in the 1977 Star Wars: IV A New Hope, compared to the 2005, Star Wars: III Revenge of the Sith? 

Method: We compared Star Wars: IV A New Hope (1977) and Star Wars: III Revenge of the Sith (2005) in order to identify differences in leadership styles within small groups. Using the structurual approach, we studied character behaviors in order to identify leaders that emerged in each group. 

Significant: In following our research from the first mini project, we analyzed two simliar films, targeted to a specific audience, one from the 20th Century and one from the 21st Century in order to determine differnces in sex roles portrayed in media over a significant period of time. 

Results: The evolution of leaders in both male dominated and female dominated genres were evident over a period of time. The presence of task and emotional leaders emerged regardless of character sex, as both sexes in both movies took on task and emotional leadership roles. 

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